Springfield Camp

(1) email 
thewondercollective@gmail.com with participant names and ages 
(2) PayPal & credit card payments accepted here on our website (see the buttons on the right sidebar)

via mail: send registration details (names, teams or workshops--you may print out the text at the bottom if you prefer using a form) and a check made out to the wonder collective to:

Shannon Heckman
600 Big Spring Road
Newville, PA 17241

Springfield Camp 2014

Four options in June

We're dedicating our June to children's hands-on exploration, developing their sense of wonder through experiential learning in a variety of disciplines and mediums. As always, we've designed our offerings with our own children in mind, and this year have a 2-day preschool camp (held at the sweet cottage and deep outdoor play space of Roots Preschool), a 1-day Summer Creative Launch (storytelling and creative exploration in a variety of medium at The Thought Lot with an associated hike/picnic in the nearby duck pond area), and two classic camps held at Shannon's beautiful Springfield Farm: 3-day-with-evening camp for older kids, focusing on survival skills, and a 4-day Wonder Week featuring our very favorite activities from the last two fulfilling seasons. Scroll down to see them all (4 fit in 3 columns, so keep going...!).

Registration starts now, and space is limited. We're offering registration to our past customers first, and suggest you register soon before wider advertising starts later this week. It's a busy summer, so camp is June-only this year. We may have a couple of 2-hour workshops in August, but this is the only camp opportunity. Online registration will be available later this week (thewondercollective.blogspot.com sidebar), and you may reserve your spot now with an email to thewondercollective@gmail.com, or mail-in registration (check made out to The Wonder Collective) to Shannon Heckman, 600 Big Spring Road, Newville, PA 17241. So, first dibs for YOU, of course...but we'd still appreciate it if you shared the good campy news with a friend.

Young discovery is the sweetest sort.
Preschool camp
June 10-11 
9 am-noon

for ages 3-5
potty-trained (age by Sept 1st)
held at Roots Preschool:
131 Mainsville Road, Shippensburg
Education of the whole child through natural exploration, with a heavy dose of crafts, outdoor gardening, and hands-on-learning.
No longer accepting new registrations
Questions? Becci Zullinger
Extra time for MAKING.
Summer Creative Launch
June 16 
9 am-2 pm


for ages 5-12
Held at The Thought Lot: 
37 E. Garfield, Shippensburg
Start your summer vacation right with a day of crafty wonder, exploring a wide range of media. We’ll also engage your creativity with storytelling, song, a short hike, and lots of friendly fun. Planned projects include flour batik, fiber work including wet felting, plein air painting, garden markers, and invention, and each child will bring home a mystery box to spark a creative session at home. 
Questions? Valerie Goates 422-4255
Last year's performance.
Week of Wonder
June 24-27 
9 am-1 pm

$110/$120 w/tee

for ages 5-12
Held at Springfield Farm:
600 Big Spring Rd, Newville
This week we will nourish your child’s inborn sense of wonder, combining our very favorite Springfield Camp experiences with new inspiration & woodland lore, including: 
* games, story, & song
* crafts with wood, wool, & nature
* plein air art
* environmental education
* take-home fairy gardens 
* treasure hunts
* swings & spring play 
* birds & bubbles
Shannon Heckman
finishing the treasure hunt!    
Walden Weekend
June 18-20 
18th: 9 am-noon,
19th: 5-10 pm*,
20th: 9am-noon
$110/$120 w/tee

for children finishing grades 4-8
Held at Springfield Farm:
600 Big Spring Rd, Newville
Inspired by Henry David Thoreau’s chronicle Walden; or, Life in the Woods: “I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life!”

This week is a wholehearted exploration of the woods for older children: hiking, building, learning and delighting in our beautiful Pennsylvania woods, with a special campfire dinner and firefly extravaganza. Spend your days fostering development of basic survival skills (native plants and animals, weather signs, building shelters, orienteering) with useful craft (twig pencils & tin-punch lanterns) and good exercise (hikes, obstacle courses, treasure hunt design). We’ll make sure to leave time for peaceful moments of cloud therapy and nature journaling, too!  
*weather dependent: we may switch which camp date is our evening to optimize star gazing.

Shannon Heckman
Our inspiration this summer: 

From Rachel Carson’s seminal work The Sense of Wonder,:
“If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life, as an unfailing antidote against the boredom and disenchantments of later years, the sterile preoccupation with things artificial, the alienation from the sources of our strength.”

Henry David Thoreau’s chronicle Walden; or, Life in the Woods:

“I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life!”

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

"In as many places as possible, I will get my feet down to the earth."

We invite you join us in following their wisdom, and to to see the world with wonder in everything you do this summer, your "feet down to the earth".

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