Monday, April 15, 2013


Newsletters went out yesterday (not subscribed?  enter your email address in the box at the right!  Unless noted, classes are held at The Thought Lot Contemporary Arts Center, 37 E Garfield, Shippensburg, and the session fee includes all materials.  All ages are welcome (preschoolers may attend with a caregiver), but some sessions are designed especially for children, and the evening classes require teen or adult-level concerted effort.

All sessions of Springfield Camp (peek at photos and descriptions of previous camps all over our 2012 summer blog), a day camp dedicated to friendship, learning, and making on 100 acres of our beautiful Pennsylvania woodland, take place at 600 Big Spring Road, Newville, a scenic 15-minute drive from both Shippensburg and Carlisle.  Interest (and early registration) is high, so we require payment to reserve your spot for Springfield Camp.

***EDIT:  There has been a date/time adjustment for the first week of Springfield camp.  We had to push our "week" to a Wednesday start because of the extra days added to the school calendar.  We originally planned to shift the usual Tuesday-Friday to a Wednesday-Saturday schedule, but Saturday attendance was a problem for so many of our registrants that we decided instead to add the last day hours to the first two days (Friday we will have a performance for families at the end of camp already, so we didn't add hours to that day).***

Watch our Facebook page for news about sparks, a community creative gathering for families, held at The Thought Lot each Thursday afternoon this summer.

More details about each workshop will show up here as they get closer, but we are always happy to field  questions as well:

tie dye with Becci
Bring your own items to custom dye
Show Me a Story:
nature learning + crafts & activities focused on children’s storytelling in many forms
@ Springfield Camp for ages 5-12
(brief performances at 1:00 on the last day)
Day of Wonder:
nature crafts, exploration, and learning for the younger set
@ Springfield Camp for ages 1-4 and their caregiver
Pressed flower resin cell phone case
with Valerie
Class fee includes an iPhone 4 or 5 case; contact instructor about other models
Made to Play: craft playhouses, furniture & characters inspired by Joel Henriques' book
for ages 5-12

7-9 pm
crayon batik with Becci

9 am-11 am
fiber: wet felting, needle felting, weaving

7-9 pm
wool purses with Valerie
felted & stitched embellishments
choose from 2 patterns: cross-over bag & wallet


9-11 am

9-11 am
clay workshop with Valerie part 1:
hand built items with mid-fire clayclay workshop part 2: glazing
2-day workshop with a break for drying & firing time.
silk scarf marbling
with Becci

Native Roots: exploring the traditions and craft of Pennsylvania’s oldest inhabitants with plenty of play
@ Springfield Camp
7-9 pm
hand sewing with Valerie:  learn key hand sewing techniques and complete a pretty little project with the best materials
project TBD at press time J

*If you prefer a physical form, print the text below and fill it out!  Please make out checks to the wonder collective and mail to: Shannon Heckman, 600 Big Spring Road, Newville, PA  17241.  
*Electronically: You may pay by credit card or PayPal on our website, and send registration details to
*You will be notified by e-mail or phone when we receive your registration, and sent a cheery welcome & further details if necessary.

Registration Form
please circle & total the ways you want to play!

workshop              participant names & ages                                                     fee       
tie dye                                                                                  $15
flower case                                                                         $20
Made to Play                                                                      $10
crayon batik                                                                       $15
fiber (3 day)                                                                        $45
wool purses                                                                         $15
clay (2 day)                                                                          $30
scarf marbling                                                                     $20
hand sewing                                                                        $15

Springfield Camp                                                                                       
Show Me a Story                                                            $110
Day of Wonder                                                                  $25
Native Roots                                                                   $110            

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

PLANNING your summer?  We just sketched out our education schedule!

Details and the pretty version should emerge this weekend (as well as the on-site payment buttons), and we might add a couple during the summer according to our whims & enthusiasm, but here is what we are committing to right now. All classes will be held at The Thought Lot except the Springfield Camps, which are held in the Newville Area, 600 Big Spring Road.

***EDIT:  There has been a date/time adjustment for the first week of Springfield camp.  We had to push our "week" to a Wednesday start because of the extra days added to the school calendar.  We originally planned to shift the usual Tuesday-Friday to a Wednesday-Saturday schedule, but Saturday attendance was a problem for so many of our registrants that we decided instead to add the last day hours to the first two days (Friday we will have a performance for families at the end of camp already, so we didn't add hours to that day).***
6, 7-9pm tie dye
12-14, 9am-3pm & 9am-1pm Show Me a Story, Springfield Camp
18, 9am-12pm Day of Wonder, preschool Springfield Camp
20, 7-9pm flower resin cell phone case
26, 9-11am Wire, cardboard, & woodplayhouses, furnishings, and characters inspired by Joel Henriques' book Made to Play

11, 7-9pm crayon batik
16-18, 9-11am fiber:  wet felting, needle-felting, weaving
25,  7-9pm wool purses with felted & stitched embellishments
30, 9-11am clay part 1

1, 9-11am clay part 2
8, 7-9pm silk scarf marbling
13-16, 9am-1pm Native Roots, Springfield Camp
22, 7-9pm handsewing project TBD

Recycled blooms workshop May 9

Workshop on Thursday, May 9; $15 includes supplies for as many flowers as you can pack into the hours between 7-9 pm. May Day meets Earth Day in this experience cutting, sewing, and gluing thrift store blazer linings & wool into spring-beckoning blooms. Register:

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Last week's workshop was full and fun and fancy. We layered bright dyes with beeswax resist (drawn on with tiny melting pots called kistka, warmed in a candle flame) to decorate our eggs in both symbolic and fanciful patterns.

Next week: Small handsewn dolls with gingermelon patterns. April 11!