Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Released! Spring 2013 schedule

We've happily finalized our class schedule for March-May, and released dates for Springfield Camp, too.  Curious?  Excited?!  Sign up with a quick email to  I'll configure PayPal buttons soon.  I added the sample photos I have; more will be posted as plans progress.

wee workshops
wild creative fun for ages 5-12
led by Shannon Heckman

3rd Wednesdays, 4:30-6:00 pm, $10
all classes at The Thought Lot, 37 E Garfield, Shippensburg
egg extravaganza  March 20th
Play with a full range of colorants & resists.  One dozen colorful egg experiments for your child, zero mess to clean up for you!
spring nature playsets  April 17th
The spring version of October’s popular fall play set, based on favorite natural materials and complemented by pretty bits of fiber, cloth, and wood, inspiring play that reflects the bright changes going on outside.
puppets  May 15th
We’ll use a variety of materials and techniques to make a whole troupe of puppets, and have a theater set up to play with them.

creative workshops
Designed for teens and adults,
but focused children are welcome.

2nd & 4th Thursdays, 7-9 pm, $15
all classes at The Thought Lot, 37 E Garfield, Shippensburg

We like to try new things, think making is good for the soul, and that creating together is best of all. Want to join us for our  spring 2013 season ?

March 5th (rescheduled from 2/28): tiny porcelain with Valerie
We'll be experimenting with texture, slabs, molds, and good ol' hands-on sculpting with white and colored high-fire porcelain clay to make figures, jewelry, and tiny vessels. Tiny is my specialty; you can go a wee bit bigger if you need to!
March 14th: basket weaving with Becci
Use natural materials to weave a pretty little basket for spring/Easter giving.
March 28th: pysanky with Valerie
Learn the art of Ukrainian egg decorating.  The many dyes and specialty tools required make this a great craft to try for the first time in a group!  Use beeswax resist and a succession of dye baths to apply layers of color, then melt the wax away to reveal your egg’s bright beauty.  I love the tools for simple applications, too.  More photos at my (neglected) personal blog here:

April 11th:  small sewn dolls with Becci
Use hand sewing techniques  and Gingermelon patterns to turn recycled wool into beautiful little soft dolls ( we will buy each participant a binky boo pattern at a group rate).

April 25th: flower fairy dolls with Valerie
I first won over my small-girl fan club with these dolls, and they still are one of my most beloved creations.   Wood+cotton+wire+silk flower+wool+mohair+acorn cap=imaginative play of the super-sweet variety.  

May 9th: recycled flowers with Valerie
In honor of May Day, let’s gather a bouquet of posies from my stash of recycled wool and polyester linings.  Clips, pins, elastics, and bands will be ready if you prefer your flowers wearable.  
One of the flowers we will be making: 

May 23rd: sewn squirrels with Becci
Menswear transformed to nature’s favorite hoarder, with a few needle-felted acorns (in real caps, of course) to keep.

and looking forward to summer 
full details will be released soon, but you may email to reserve a spot now.

Springfield Camp:
A day camp dedicated to friendship, learning and making on 100 acres of our beautiful Pennsylvania woodland in the Newville area, a 15 minute drive from both Shippensburg and Carlisle.  Tuesday-Friday, 9 am-1 pm.

June 11-14: Show Me a Story $110, 5-12
June 18: A Day of Wonder $25
for children ages 1-4 and their caregiver
August 13-16: Native Roots $110, ages 5-12

And at The Thought Lot-->
Firefly Day Camps: 2-3 day morning workshops throughout the summer
Sparks:  each Thursday morning
creative energy for the whole family

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fiber Workshop Series

We wrapped up our 8-week fiber workshop series tonight with a bit of weaving. Most chose to weave a bright wool cuff, using elastic thread as the warp and their own hand spun wool as the weft. It was a good little project that fit into the hour and a half always-goes-so-fast time slot and looked so gorgeous with their own yarns.

We took the time tonight as well to show off what we worked on for the last couple of months. I love how colorful the collection is! Even these quick-night-iPhone photos show off how beginner accessible fiber art can be. Gorgeous--and useable/wearable--projects all. I'm proud ;).

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Roots? You may wonder what we've been up to....

Since the start of our Roots preschool open studios on Friday mornings, we have been having so much fun playing, creating, and learning together! We have talked about owls, winter, penguins, and of course valentines! Our time has been spent enjoying music and play together, stories, practicing our social skills, and working on our fine and gross motor skills through playdoh, blocks, puzzles, paint and art activities. Here are some highlights... Hope to see you soon!!!